RoyalPay for EcShop

The RoyalPay for Ecshop WeChat payment plugin supports WeChat QR code and H5 In-App Web-based Payment

Buy Now $109 /Site

RoyalPay for EcShop WeChat  plugin is a EcShop WeChat payment plugin developed by Xunhu and RoyalPay. It supports WeChat QR code and H5 In-App Web-based Payment, and supports EcShop3.6/2.7

Note: only suitable for Ecshop PC,  ECtouch can not be used.


Choose payment gateway in Ecshop

RoyalPay for ecshop微信支付插件

WeChat QR code in PC

RoyalPay for ecshop微信支付插件

H5 In-App Web-based Payment